Fluid Tokens
Permissionless Lending
You're all caught up!
Delegations Available
Epoch 0
Reward 1
130,000 ADA
Reward 2
90,000 ADA
Reward 3
30,000 ADA
With Fluid's Whirlpool, you can now earn ADA delegation from the FluidToken's treasury. There are 3 delegation rewards available every epoch, and is allocated on a weighted random basis points.
The Delegation is granted to 3 users on a weighted random basis points every epoch (Every 5 Days). The points are allocated as below
  • If you are actively providing liquidity to liquidity Pools and hold FLDT.
  • 1 point for each ADA added to the lending in liquidity pools.
  • 0.3 points for each FLDT you hold or stake.
  • If you are NOT actively providing liquidity to liquidity Pools, but hold FLDT.
  • 0.1 points for each FLDT you hold or stake.
  • The User has to bid an amount of 100 FLDT in order to participate in each epoch. This amount is non refundable in case of not getting selected for the rewards.
    Since the delegation rewards are randomly granted, they are not guaranteed each epoch for all participants. Once rewarded, the delegated ADA amount is active only for one EPOCH.
    ADA delegation can be used to earn staking rewards, participate in ISPOs, or use them for catalyst voting.