Boosted Stake
Best yield on Cardano
What is Boosted Staking?

With Boosted Staking, you can now lend or borrow your desired amount of ADA delegation and use them for ISPOs, airdrops & more.

How do I Borrow Stake?

Borrowers can borrow ada delegation for the number of epoch they need it, this ADA cannot be spent.
You can borrow the delegation by choosing the amount and the no. of epochs you'd need the stake amount attached to your address and pay a fee accordingly.

How do I Provide Liquidity?

Lenders can provide liquidity for the Boosted Staking and get higher APR than regular staking, the ADA will be locked if used by Borrowers.
You can add the liquidity by choosing a desired APR & amount.

Lend and borrow using your NFTs on Cardano's first NFT-DeFi bridge.
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are the latest big revolutions that the blockchain sector has offered to the public. Cardano has been one of the biggest cradles for NFTs and it's also going to offer DeFi services to keep up with other major blockchains. In this bright scenario, we have created the first ever generalized bridge between NFTs and DeFi: FluidTokens, a peer-to-peer DeFi lending platform where borrowers can use their NFTs as collateral.
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